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Equal Opportunities 


Trebes Consulting Limited currently employs staff directly. As an employer, it is our requirement to:


  • Encourage, value and manage diversity in all areas of our business and be an equal opportunities employer


  • Be committed to providing equality for all, and will make a real effort to employ people that are representative of the local community by advertising widely, and by monitoring the ethnicity of job applicants and working to remove real or perceived barriers to underrepresented groups in society


  • Not accept discrimination on the grounds of gender, sex, marital status or gender re-assignment. Nor will we tolerate discrimination on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, religion or belief, age or disability


  • Not tolerate victimisation, discrimination or harassment in any form, and will make it clear that any instance will be investigated and may result in dismissal

We believe that everyone should be treated fairly and on their own merit and ability. This policy will be the ethos of our selection procedure and applies to promotion and training and to dismissal and discipline.
Selection criteria and procedures will be reviewed regularly to ensure that individuals are treated based on their relevant merits and abilities.

We will ensure that all our clients and suppliers understand our company ethos and will make it clear that fair treatment is expected for all and should be maintained.

The Directors will be responsible for this policy and for its implementation and for investigating any instances of discrimination.

Trebes Consulting Limited will review this policy on a regular basis.

For and on behalf of Trebes Consulting Limited


Barry Trebes, Director 

Download this policy as a PDF.

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